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शासक मंडल
Shri Sanjay Gupta (CEO Dainik Jagran) New Delhi
Chairman, IIM Amritsar - Punjab
Shri Rahul Bhandari
I.A.S. Secretary,
Higher Education and Languages,
Govt. of Punjab. Chandigarh.
Mr. Madan Mohan
ADG (Stats) and Joint Secretary (Ministry of Education).
Shri. Vishesh C Chandiok

Chief Executive Officer,
Grant Thornton Bharat LLP. - New Delhi
Shri. Balraj Kishor Namdeo

Consultant, Ratnagiri Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (RRPCL), Retired Director-Refineries of HPCL
All correspondence to the Board of Governors may be addressed to:
Secretary Board of Governors
Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar
Punjab Institute of Technology Building
Inside Government Polytechnic Campus
Polytechnic Road, PO: Chheharta
G.T. Road Amritsar - 143105
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