• Operations Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Mishra, Deepa, Kumar, Sameer, and Elkafi Hassini. “Current trends in disaster management simulation modelling research” Annals of Operation Research, (2018): 1-25
  • Mishra, Deepa, Angappa Gunasekaran, Thanos Papadopoulos, and Stephen J. Childe. "Big Data and supply chain management: a review and bibliometric analysis." Annals of Operations Research (2016): 1-24.
  • Mishra, Deepa, R. R. K. Sharma, Sameer Kumar, and Rameshwar Dubey. "Bridging and buffering: Strategies for mitigating supply risk and improving supply chain performance." International Journal of Production Economics 180 (2016): 183-197.
  • Han, Shuihua, Ling Zhao, Kui Chen, Zong-wei Luo, and Deepa Mishra. "Appointment scheduling and routing optimization of attended home delivery system with random customer behavior." European Journal of Operational Research 262, no. 3 (2017): 966-980.
  • Fosso Wamba, Samuel, and Deepa Mishra. "Big data integration with business processes: a literature review." Business Process Management Journal 23, no. 3 (2017): 477-492.

See the complete list of publications at Google Scholar

  • Marketing Management
  • Services Marketing
  • Marketing Research
  • Strategic Marketing
  • "The Effects of Strategic Orientation on Operational Ambidexterity: A Study of Indian SMEs in the Industry 4.0 Era", for possible publication in the International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier. Manuscript ID is IJPE-D-18-01337.R1 (with Prof Mahesh C Gupta and Prof T C E Cheng).
  • "Operational responsiveness and business performance relationship: Role of entrepreneurial orientation” for possible publication in the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Emerald. Manuscript ID is IJOPM-07-2018-0411.R2 (with Prof Mahesh C Gupta, Prof Subhash C Lonial and Prof T C E Cheng).
  • Stanzin Mantok, Harjit Sekhon, Gurjeet Kaur Sahi, and Paul Jones (2019), "Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Mediating Role of Organizational Learning amongst Indian S-SMEs", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development - EMERALD.
  • Shaun P. Digan, Gurjeet Kaur Sahi, Pankaj C. Patel, and Stanzin Mantok (2019), "Women's Perceived Empowerment in Entrepreneurial Efforts: The Role of Psychological Capital and Bricolage", Journal of Small Business Management - John Wiley, Vol. 57 No. 1, 206-229.
  • Pratik Modi and Gurjeet Kaur Sahi (2018), "The Meaning and Relevance of Internal Market Orientation in Nonprofit Organisations", The Service Industries Journal - Taylor and Francis, Vol. 38 No. 5-6, 303-320, DOI: 10.1080/02642069.2017.1376660.
  • Gurjeet Kaur Sahi; Mahesh C. Gupta and Pankaj C. Patel (2017), “A Measure of Throughput Orientation: Scale Development and Nomological Validation”, Decision Sciences – John Wiley, Vol. 48 No. 3, 420-453, DOI: 10.1111/deci.12227.
  • Gurjeet Kaur Sahi; Harjit Shekhon and Tahira Khanam Quareshi (2016), “Role of Trusting Beliefs in Predicting Purchase Intentions”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management – EMERALD, Vol. 44 No. 8, 860-880.
  • Gurjeet Kaur Sahi and Tahira Khanam Quareshi (2015), “Factors obstructing intentions to trust and purchase products online”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics - EMERALD, Vol. 27 No. 5, 758–783.
  • Gurjeet Kaur Sahi and Rupali Mahajan (2014), “Employees’ Organisational Commitment and its Impact on their Actual Turnover Behaviour through Behavioural Intentions”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics – EMERALD, Vol. 26 No. 4, 621-646.
  • Gurjeet Kaur Sahi; Mahesh C. Gupta and Subhash C. Lonial (2013), “Revisiting Internal Market Orientation- A Note”, Journal of Services Marketing – EMERALD, Vol. 27 No. 5, 385-403.
  • Gurjeet Kaur Sahi; R. D. Sharma and Neha Mahajan (2012), “Exploring Customer Switching Intentions through Relationship Marketing Paradigms”, International Journal of Bank Marketing- EMERALD, Vol. 30 No. 4, 280–302.
  • Gurjeet Kaur Sahi; R. D. Sharma and Nitasha Seli (2009), “Internal Market Orientation in Indian Banking – An Empirical Analysis”, Managing Service Quality, Emerald UK, Vol. 19 No. 5, 595-627.

See the complete list of publications at Google Scholar

  • Organization structures and processes (MBA)
  • Leadership and Change Management (MBA)
  • Negotiations (MBA)
  • Management of service organizations (MBA)
  • Advanced Organization Design and Change (Doctoral)
  • Culture, Institutions and Organizations (Doctoral)
  • Gupta, A. (2022). Impact of Service Climate Dimensions on Customer Service Quality: Test of a Multilevel Model. South Asian Journal of Management, 29 (1), pp. 7-29, (ABDC-C).
  • Gupta, A., Goel, A., & Bande-Vilela, B. (2021). Role of empowerment and interpersonal relations in reducing cynicism and politics among Indian IT workers. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective (https://doi.org/10.1177/09722629211029008) (ABDC-C).
  • Ramamoorthy, N., Yu, C., Kulkarni, S., Gupta, A., & Mkamwa, T. (2019). An examination of attributions, performance rating, and reward allocation patterns: A comparative study of China, India, Tanzania, and the United States. South Asian Journal of Human Resource
  • Srinivasan, Vasanthi and Gupta, Amit (2013), Women professionals in the software services sector in India, (pp. 353-368), Handbook of Research on Promoting Women's Careers, Susan Vinnicombe, Ronald J. Burke, Stacy Blake-Beard and Lynda L. Moore (eds.), Edward Elgar publisher.
  • Bala, Madhu, Chalil, G.R.B., and Gupta, Amit (2012), Emic and Etic: Different Lenses for Research in Culture: Unique Features of Culture in Indian Context, Management and Labour Studies, February 2012 vol. 37 no. 1 45-60.
  • Gupta, Amit and Gannon, M. J. (2007), Effects of service climate on service quality: An integrative model. International Journal of Service Technology and Management, Vol. 8, no. 2/3, pp. 174-187.
  • Gupta, Amit and Saxena, Kshitij (2011), Sumeru software solutions: creating a culture of serene dynamism, Case no. 9B11C036, Published by Ivey Case Bank, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario.

Fundamental of Marketing

Advanced Marketing Management 

Advanced Methods of Marketing Research

Sales and Distribution Management

Product & Brand Management

Kumar, V. and Kaushik, A.K. (2022). Engaging customers through brand authenticity perceptions: The moderating role of self-congruence. Journal of Business Research, 138, 26-37.

Kumar, V., Kaushal, V., & Kaushik, A.K. (2022). Building relationship orientation among travelers through destination brand authenticity. Journal of Vacation Marketing. Accepted.

Kumar, V., & Kaushik, A.K. (2022). Solar rooftop adoption among Indian households: a structural equation modeling analysis. Journal of Social Marketing. Accepted.

Kumar, V. and Kaushik, A.K. (2020). Building consumer-brand relationships through brand experience and brand identification.Journal of Strategic Marketing,28(1), 39-59.

Kumar, V. and Kaushik, A.K. (2020). Does experience affect engagement? Role of destination brand engagement in developing brand advocacy and revisit intentions. Journal of Travel and TourismMarketing, 37(3), 332-346.

Kaushik, A.K., Mohan, G. and Kumar, V. (2020). Examining the antecedents and consequences of customers’ trust toward mobile retail apps in India. Journal of Internet Commerce, 19(1), 1-31.

Kumar, V., and Kaushik, A.K.(2018). Destination brand experience and visitor behavior: the mediating role of destination brand identification. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing,35(5), 649-663.

Kaushik, A.K. and Kumar, V. (2017). InvestigatingConsumers’ adoption of SSTs - A Case study representing India’s hospitality industry. Journal of Vacation Marketing, https://doi.org/10.1177/1356766717725560.

See the complete list of research publications at Google Scholar.

  • Operations Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Research
  • Procurement
  • "Flexible dynamic sustainable procurement model" (with S. P. Singh), (2019). Annals of Operations Research, 273 (1-2), 651-691.
  • "Heuristic Modeling for Sustainable Procurement and Logistics in a Supply Chain Using Big Data" (with S.P. Singh), (2018), Computers and Operations Research, 98, 301-321.
  • "Sustainable Stochastic Production and Procurement Problem for Resilient Supply Chain" (with S.P. Singh, J. A. Garza-Reyes & N. Mishra), (2018), Computers & Industrial Engineering. (Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.12.007)
  • "Modeling Joint Outsourcing and Offshoring Decisions" (with S.P. Singh & A. Majumdar), (2018), International Journal of Production Research (online- https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2018.1471245)
  • "Proactive and reactive models for disaster resilient supply chain" (with S. Elluru, H Gupta & S.P. Singh), (2017), Annals of Operations Research, 1-26. (online-https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2681-2)
  • "Sustainable Procurement and Logistics for Disaster Resilient Supply Chain" (with S.P. Singh), (2016), Annals of Operations Research (online https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2374-2

See the complete list of publications at Google Scholar

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science and E-commerce
  • Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in E –commerce.
  • Business Computing.
  • Data Science.
  • Recipient of Young Faculty Research Fellowship (YFRF) of Visvesvaraya PhD Programme of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, MeitY, Govt. of India, January 2018 to May 2019.
  • Finalist in computer engineering list, J&J WiSTEM2D Scholars Award Program 2017-2018, Johnson & Johnson New Jersey USA.
  • Nominated from INDIA for Common wealth fellowship for UK 2006.
  • S. Tajinder and K. Madhu, Role of Text Pre-Processing in Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Procedia Computer Science 89 ( 2016 ) 549 – 554.
  • S. Tajinder, K. Madhu, and Shweta Mahajan , Feature Oriented Fuzzy Logic Based Web Spam Detection, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Taylor & Francis pp. 999-1015, 38(6) 2017.
  • R. Utkarsh, K. Madhu, Mobile robot path planning with modified ant colony optimization, International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation,106-113 , Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017.
  • M. Ahsan , K. Madhu, Singh T., Pal T. L., Sentiment Based Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks, the International Journal of Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics ,IGI, January 2018.
  • Statistics
  • Operations Research
  • Data Analytics
  • “Consensus building process in group decision making - an adaptive procedure based on group dynamics” (2017), Accepted for Publication in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.
  • “Finding the numerical compensation in multiple criteria decision making problems under fuzzy environment” (With B.K. Mohanty), (2017), International Journal of Systems Science, 48 (6), 1301-1310.
  • “An Algorithmic Approach to Group Decision making problems under Fuzzy and Dynamic Environment” (With B.K. Mohanty), (2016), Expert Systems With Applications, 15, 118-132.
  • “Attribute partitioning in Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problems for a Decision with a Purpose –a Fuzzy Approach” (With B.K. Mohanty), (2016), Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 23(3-4), 160-170.
  • “Multi-stage multi-objective production planning using linguistic and numeric data-a fuzzy integer programming model” (With B.K. Mohanty), (2015), Computers & Industrial Engineering, 87, 454-464.

See the complete list of publications at Google Scholar

  1. Managerial Communication
  2. Business Communication
  3. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
  4. Written Analysis and Communication
  • Kumar Kaushik, A., Gupta, R., & Kumar, M. (2022). Qualitative Investigation of Customer Delight and Terrible Hospitality Experiences. Global Business Review, 09721509221094942.
  • Parsad, C., Prashar, S., Vijay, T. S., & Kumar, M. (2021). Do promotion and prevention focus influence impulse buying: The role of mood regulation, shopping values, and impulse buying tendency. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services61, 102554.
  • Parashar, A., & Kumar, M. (2020). The Marginalized and Stigmatized Identity of Dalits in India with Special Reference to Maharashtra and Tamil Dalit Autobiographies. International Journal of Development and Conflict10, 265-283.

  • Kumar, M., Parsad, C., Bamel, U. K., Prashar, S., & Parashar, A. (2019). Influence of pre-crisis reputation and COO on diminishing a product-harm crisis. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.
  • Parashar, A., Kumar, M., & Saluja, V. (2019). Discovering India Through Imagery in Postcolonial Travel Writings. Tourism Culture & Communication19(2), 103-110.
  • Parashar, A., & Kumar, M. (2019). Communicating the Quest for Sustainability: Ecofeminist Perspectives in Sarah Orne Jewett’s ‘A White Heron’. Journal of Human Values25(2), 101-112.
  • Parsad, C., Prashar, S., Vijay, T. S., & Kumar, M. (2018). In-Store Stimuli and Impulsive Buying Behaviour: Modeling Through Regression Equation. International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences (IJSDS)9(3), 95-112.
  • Vijay, T. S., Prashar, S., Parsad, C., & Kumar, M. (2017). An Empirical Examination of the Influence of Information and Source Characteristics on Consumers’ Adoption of Online Reviews. Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems9(1).
  • Kumar, M., Kalakbandi, V., Prashar, S., & Parashar, A. (2017). Overcoming the effect of low self-esteem on public speaking anxiety with mindfulness-based interventions. Decision44(4), 287-296.

  • When the tone of an email went wrong – Available on Harvard Business Review; Product Code W16282-PDF-ENG
  • The War for Talent: Deloitte vs. KPMG – Available on Harvard Business Review; Product Code W17391-PDF- ENG

See the complete list of publications at Google Scholar

  • Strategic Alliance
  • Joint Ventures
  • International Strategy
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Inter Partner Dynamics and Joint Venture Competitiveness: Fuzzy TISM Approach, Benchmarking: An International Journal (With Sanjay Dhir and Sushil) 2019, Vol. 26 Issue: 1, pp. 97-116.
  • Organizational resources, KM process capability and strategic flexibility: a dynamic resource-capability perspective", Journal of Knowledge Management (with Umesh Kumar) 2018, Vol. 22 Issue: 7, pp.1555-1572.
  • Total Interpretive Structural Modelling of Inter Partner Dynamics Factors to Intensify Joint Venture Competitiveness. Global Journal of E-Business and Knowledge Management (with Sanjay Dhir and Sushil) 2017, Vol. 8-13, no.1, pp 9-18.
  • Usage, Benefits & Barriers of Human Resource Information System in Universities, VINE The Journal of Information & Knowledge Management Systems (With Umesh Kumar, V. Sahay and Mohan Thite) 2014, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 519-536.
  • Walt Disney: Strategic Acquisition for Creativity, in Cases in Management, ET Cases (with Sanjay Dhir and Sushil) 2014
  • Lakshay Food (India) Limited: Growth and Expansion Strategy, in Case Centre.(With Sanjay Dhir) 2017
  • Global strategy
  • Business groups
  • "Internationalization: A study of small firms from emerging markets" (Tiwari, S. K., Sen, S., & Shaik, R.), (2016), The Journal of Developing Areas, 50(6), 355-364.
  • "Examining Role of Perceived Customer Value in Online Shopping" (Tapar, A. V., Dhaigude, A. S., Tiwari, S. K., & Jawed, M. S.), (2015), Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 14 (2), 235-244.
  • Core courses: Foundations of Finance and Corporate Finance (also known as Financial Management I & II)
  • Elective courses: Corporate Valuation, Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Alternative Investments
  • PhD/FPM Level: Empirical Corporate Finance
  • EMBA: Financial Management, Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
  • "Firm-specific characteristics, political connections, and financial outcomes: Evidence from Indian firms", (with Santosh Kumar Tiwari), (2022), Business and Politics. https://www.doi.org/10.1017/bap.2021.23
  • "Does Business Group Affiliation Encourage R&D Activities? Evidence from India", (with Lukose, Jijo., and Subash, S), (2018), Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(4), 887-917.
  • "Executive Compensation and Firm Performance: Evidence from Indian Firms", (with Raithatha, Mehul), (2016), IIMB Management Review, 28 (3).
  • "Heterogeneity and Asymmetry in Speed of Adjustment: Evidence from India", (with Lukose, Jijo), (2016), Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 19(3).
  • "Capital Structure Choice, Information Asymmetry, and Debt Capacity: Evidence from India", (with Lukose, Jijo), (2015), Journal of Economic and Finance, 39 (4), 807 – 823.
  • "Financing Constraints and Investments in R&D: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Firms", (with Lukose, Jijo., and Subash, S), (2015), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 55, 29-39.

See the complete list of publications at Google Scholar

  • Human Resource Management
  • Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Compensation Management
  • Business Research Process
  • High-Performance Teams and Job Involvement: Exploring the Linkage to Augment Quality in Indian Education and Research, in Industrial and Commercial Training (Accepted)
  • Organizational resources, KM process capability and strategic flexibility: a dynamic resource-capability perspective, Journal of Knowledge Management (Accepted)
  • (2017) Dimensions of role efficacy and managerial effectiveness: evidence from India, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 4(3), 218-237.

See the complete list of publications at Google Scholar

Behavioral psychology, Educational leadership and management, Gender and Diversity Issues, Inclusive education, Talent management, Digital workforce and workplaces, MOOC'S digital ecologies and affordances, Social data analysis

  • Core Courses- Individual Behavior in Organizations, Interpersonal and Group Processes, Organizational Structure and Design, Human Resource Management
  • Elective Courses- Talent Management, HR Analytics, Leadership in Organizations, The Science of Happiness, Emotional Intelligence, Learning and Development, Effective Negotiations, International Human Resource Management
  • Dutta, V. and Sahney, S.(2016), School leadership and its impact on student achievement: The mediating role of school climate and teacher job satisfaction, International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 30, No.6, pp. 941-958.
  • Dutta, V. and Sahney, S.(2015), School leadership and its impact on student achievement: The role of mediators, in Harish Chaudhry (Ed.) Excellence in School Education VI: High achieving schools,Scholastic India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, ISBN 13:978-81-8477-756-7.
  • Dutta, V. and Sahney, S.(2014), School leadership in Indian secondary schools, in Harish Chaudhry (Ed.) Excellence in School Education V: Leadership and Values, New Delhi: Scholastic India Pvt. Ltd, ISBN 978-93-5103-661-6, pp. 161-177.
  • Dutta, V. and Datta, B. (2011), Leadership in Organisations by Gary Yukl - A Book Review, Indore Management Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 70-73.
  • Dutta, V. (2010), HR Outsourcing theory and practice, in Saritprava Das and Bharati Deshpande (Eds.) Human resource management in the new economy, Navi Mumbai : Institute for Technology and Management, New Delhi : Excel Books, ISBN 978-81-7446826-0, pp. 288-299.
  • Management Information System
  • Business Computing (using Python and Excel)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Best paper award to "Blockchain for Businesses: A Systematic Literature Review" at The 17th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (I3E 2018), 2018.
  • Runner-up in Facebook's first-ever Child Safety Hackathon, cash prize of USD 400 was awarded.
  • Second Prize in a Competition organized by Bitgrit on Data Analytics, cash prize of USD 1000 was awarded along with trip to Japan.
  • Best Poster Award to "The untold story of USA presidential elections in 2016 - insights from twitter analytics" at Open House 2018, IIT Delhi, cash prize of INR 5000 was awarded.
  • Best Paper Award to "The Untold Story of USA Presidential Elections in 2016-Insights from Twitter Analytics" at The 16th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society "Digital Nations– Smart Cities, Innovation & Sustainability", 2017.

  • “Polarization and acculturation in US Election 2016 outcomes - Can twitter analytics predict changes in voting preferences”, (With Kar, A. K., Dwivedi, Y. K., & Janssen, M.), (2019), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 438-460.
  • “Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Reputation - Insights from Tweets on Sustainable Development Goals by CEOs”, (With Kar, A. K. & Ilavarasan, P. V.), (2019), International Journal of Information Management, 48, 39-52.
  • “Perceived usefulness, ease of use and user acceptance of blockchain technology for digital transactions - Insights from user-generated content on Twitter”, (With Kar, A. K., Janssen, M., & Ilavarasan, P. V.), (2019), Enterprise Information Systems, 13(6), 771-800.
  • “Diffusion of Blockchain Technology– Insights from Academic Literature and Social Media Analytics”, (With Kar, A. K. & Janssen, M.), (2019), Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 32(5), 735-757.
  • “User engagement for mobile payment service providers – introducing the social media engagement model”, (With Kar, A. K.), (2018), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2018.12.002

See complete list of research publications at Google Scholar (Please put hyperlink to: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=NH2_kMgAAAAJ)
  • "Religious Influences in Unrestrained Consumer Behaviour" (With Singh, J., Kumar, S. and Mathur, A.N.) (2020), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 58.
  • “Consumers' Intention to Use Environment-Friendly Ethical Transportation Medium: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Evaluation” (With Kumar, B. and Srivastava, H. S.) (2020), Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behavior, Vol. 70, pp. 235-248.
  • “Letting Go or Getting Back: How Organization Culture Shapes Frontline Employee Response to Customer Incivility” (With Balaji M.S., Jiang Y. and Jha S.) (2020), Journal of Business Research, Vol. 111, pp. 1-11.
  • “Factors Affecting Consumer Participation in Consumption Tax Evasion” (With Srivastava, H. S. and Mishra, A.) (2018), Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 10, No.3, pp. 274-290.
  • Book Review of “Multi-screen Marketing: The Seven Things You Need to Know to Reach Your Customers Across TVs, Computers, Tablets, and Mobile Phones” by Natasha Hritzuk and Kelly Jones. (2019), International Journal of Technology Marketing, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 201-204.

  • Winner of “AIM-Sheth Foundation Research Proposal Competition” and received a grant of Rs. 1,00,000 in 2019.
  • Recipient of the “Best Paper Award” for Rs. 35,000 from Emerald in IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing - IS Conference, IIM Indore. July 26-28, 2019
  • Recipient of the “Early Career Asia/Asia-Pacific Country Scholar Scholarship” for AUD 2000 from Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy during ANZMAC Conference held at Adelaide, Australia. December 3-5, 2018.
  • “The Best Paper Presentation Award” for paper titled ‘What leads to licensing or compensating behavior’ at ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Global Issues in Management, UBS, Panjab University, Chandigarh. March 28, 2017.

Core Course - Financial Accounting, Corporate Finance

Elective Course - Entrepreneurial Finance; Mergers, Acquisitions & Corporate Restructuring; Investment Banking; PE & VC Financing; Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives; Corporate Risk Management; Basics of Time-series Analysis

Ph.D./FPM level course – Theory of Corporate Finance; Emerging Issues in Accounting & Corporate Governance Research

Work in Progress/review

The role of corporate governance mechanism in tunnelling and propping transactions in business groups. 

What makes merger deals attractive: Revisiting market timing and pecking order. 

Market reaction to the loan announcements: A study of bank-firm relationship in an emerging economy. 

Research Papers

Gupta, P., & Maheshwari, Y. (2022). Propping today, tunnelling tomorrow: Expropriation motives and firm performance. International Journal of Corporate Governance, 13(1), 84-101. 

Maheshwari, Y., & Gupta, P. (2019). Propping in Business Groups: Prediction Efficacy of Earnings Announcements. Global Business Review, 20(4), 981-995.

Maheshwari, Y., & Gupta, P. (2018). Ownership structures and effects of related lending and loan guarantees on firm performance in business groups. Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance, 9, 77-86.

Gupta, P. (2017). A Review of Corporate Hedging Models and Their Relevance in Corporate Finance. Theoretical Economics Letters, 7(02), 102.

Teaching Cases

The Entrepreneurs Dilemma: NLC. (Co-author – D.L Sunder) for IIM Indore Case Center. Case No – IIMI/Case Center/SM/02/16-17

Nursery Live Dot Com (NLC): Valuation Dilemma for Start-ups in New Industries (In-progress).

  • Sharma, U., & Karmakar, M. (2022). Are gold, USD, and Bitcoin hedge or safe haven against stock? The implication for risk management. Review of Financial Economics (Early view).
  • Karmakar, M., & Sharma, U. (2020). Measuring quantile risk hedging effectiveness: a GO-GARCH-EVT-copula approach. Applied Economics, 52(48), 5244-5262.
  • Sharma, U., & Chakraborty, M. (2019). Investing in lottery-like stocks in India. Studies in Economics and Finance.
  • Lalwani, V., Sharma, U., & Chakraborty, M. (2019). Investor reaction to extreme price shocks in stock markets: A cross country examination. IIMB Management Review, 31(3), 258-267.


Dwivedi, G., Chakraborty, S., Agarwal, Y., & Srivastava, R. (2022). Simultaneous Production and Transportation Problem: A Case of Additive Manufacturing. Transportation Science (Forthcoming)

Sindhwani, R., Chakraborty, S., Behl, A., & Pereira, V. (2022). Building resilience to handle disruptions in critical environmental and energy sectors: Implications for cleaner production in the oil and gas industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 365, 132692.

Chakraborty, S., & Agarwal, Y.K. (2021) Solving the team orienteering problem with nonidentical agents: A Lagrangian approach. Networks, 78: 443– 460

Chakraborty, S., Sharma, A., & Vaidya, O. S. (2020). Achieving sustainable operational excellence through IT implementation in Indian logistics sector: an analysis of barriers. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 152, 104506.

Chakraborty, S., & Srivastava, S. K. (2019). A Novel Approach to Understanding Delhi’s Complex Air Pollution Problem. Economic and Political Weekly, 54(36), 32-39.

See Google Scholar for more details.

  • Earnings quality
  • Corporate governance
  • Financial Accounting
  • Management Accounting
  • Financial statement Analysis
  • Empirical Research in Accounting (PhD level)
  • Valiya Purayil, P., & Lukose PJ, J. (2021). Does cross?border acquisition reduce earnings management of emerging market acquirers? Evidence from India. International Review of Finance.
  • Purayil, P. V., & PJ, J. L. (2019). Ownership dilution and earnings management: evidence from Indian IPOs. Managerial Finance.
Kaushik, A.K., & Mohan, G. (2020). Maruti’s Nexa – enhancing customer experience beyond buying. The CASE Journal, 16(4), 497-512. 10.1108/TCJ-03-2019-0026.
Beri, G.C., Kaushik, A.K. & Rahman, Z. (2020). Marketing Research (6th Edition). McGraw Hill Publications. https://www.mheducation.co.in/marketing-research-9789390177530-india.

Primary Interests

  • Cyber-risk Management
  • Cyber-threat Intelligence
  • Information Security and Privacy

Secondary Interests

  • Digital Business Models
  • Machine Learning
  • Text Mining
  • Data Mining

  1. Business Computing (MBA 1st Year)
  2. Management Information Systems (MBA 1st Year)
  3. Emerging Information Technologies (MBA 1st Year)
  4. Databases and Data Warehousing (MBA - Business Analytics 1st Year)
  5. Data Visualization (MBA - Business Analytics 1st Year)
  6. Business Models for Digital Platforms (MBA 2nd Year Elective)
  7. Enterprise IT Risk Management (MBA 2nd Year Elective)
  8. Recent Developments in IS (Doctoral course)
  • Chairperson, M.Sc. in Data Science and Management (jointly with IIT Ropar)
  • Chairperson, IT and Computational Systems area

Vatavwala, S., Kumar, B., Sharma, A., Billore, A., & Sadh, A. (2022). Customer disengagement in business-to-business markets: A framework for analysis. Industrial Marketing Management105, 114-130. (ABDC Rating – A*)

Kumar, B., Sharma, A., Vatavwala, S., & Kumar, P. (2020). Digital mediation in business-to-business marketing: A bibliometric analysis. Industrial Marketing Management85, 126-140. (ABDC Rating – A*)

Thomas, S., Kureshi, S., & Vatavwala, S. (2019). Cause-related marketing research (1988–2016): An academic review and classification. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing32(5), 488-516. (ABDC Rating – B)

Vatavwala, S. and Nargundkar, R. (2019). Myntra: Venturing Offline, Case Centre, (Case No:  520-0013-1 and Teaching Note No: 520-0013-8).   

Thomas, S., Abhishek, Vatavwala, S., and Sinha, P.K. (2017). BigBasket.com: Redefining the Business Model, IIMA Case Publishing Unit, (Case No: MAR0492 and Teaching Note No: MAR0492TN). 

Thomas, S., Abhishek, Chawla, N., and Vatavwala, S. (2017). Patanjali Ayurved – Capturing Ayuredic FMCG Market, Case Centre, (Case No: 517-0035-1 and Teaching Note No: 517-0035-8). 

Vatavwala, S., Kumar, B., and Sharma, A. Enhancing upselling and cross-selling in business-to-business markets: The critical need to integrate customer service and sales functions (2023). Jagdish Sheth, Emmanuel Mogaji, Varsha Jain, Anupama Ambika (editors) Customer-Centric Support Services: The Next Frontier for Competitive Advantage in the Digital Era. (Chapter 8) McMillan, UK.  

Thomas, S., Abhishek, and Vatavwala, S. (2019). Patanjali ayurved limited: Driving the ayurvedic food product market. John Byrom and Dominic Medway (editors) Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing: Case Studies in Food Retailing and Distribution. (pp. 119-136) Elsevier - Woodhead Publishing.


Business-to-Business Marketing/Industrial Marketing

Digitalization in Business-to-Business Markets

Sales and Negotiations

Sustainability and Marketing

Business Research Methods

Marketing Management

Brand Management 

Bairwa, Arun Kumar., Jadhav Chakradhar. “Caste affiliation and access to high-authority jobs in the Indian service sector.”  Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy World Scientific Publication. Indexing: SSCI, Scopus, ABDC: B. https://doi.org/10.1080/13547860.2024.2401220


Bairwa, Arun Kumar., Jadhav Chakradhar and Pritee Sharma. “Employment Discrimination in Indian Manufacturing Industries: A Logit Analysis.” The Singapore Economic Review, vol. 65, no. 1, Feb 2020, pp. 233-259, World Scientific Publication. Indexing: SSCI, Scopus, ABDC: B, Impact Factor: 1.74


Jadhav Chakradhar, and Bairwa, Arun Kumar. “Employment probabilities and workforce distribution in Indian manufacturing sector: A state-level analysis” Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Bankingvol. 23, no. 1, Feb 2020, pp 55-82. Bank of Indonesia Publication. Indexing: Scopus. ABDC: C.


Bairwa, Arun Kumar, and Pritee Sharma. “Inter-Regional Occupational Disparities in Indian Manufacturing Sector with Regards to Socioeconomic Labour Attributes.” Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work, vol. 29, no. 4, Aug. 2019, pp. 352-369. Routledge Publication. Indexing: ABDC: B, Web of Science Expanded Edition.


Bairwa, Arun Kumar, and Pritee Sharma. “Impact of Labour Attributes and Probability of Employability in Indian Labour Market: A Sectoral Analysis.” Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 19, no. 4, May 2019, pp. 1–10. Wiley online library. Indexing: Scopus, SSCI (Clarivate Analytics), ABDC: B.


Lenka, Sanjaya Kumar, and Arun Kumar Bairwa. “Does Financial Inclusion Affect Monetary Policy in SAARC Countries?” Cogent Economics & Finance, vol. 4, no. 1, Dec. 2016, p. 1-8. www.cogentoa.com, Taylor and Francis Publication. Indexing: ESCI of Web of Science, Scopus, ABDC: B.

[March 2023] Received a research grant of ? 436,000 from Indian Council of Social Science Research, Government of India for working on “Diversity in the Indian labour market: evidence from the Indian manufacturing industries”.


[May 2023] Selected for Writing and Mentorship Program to enhance the research and writing skills. This is twelve months program of Action to Improve Representation (AIR) offered Prof. Hari Bapuji (University of Melbourne, Australia), Prof. Kamini Gupta (King’s College, London), Prof. Prateek Raj (IIM Bangalore), and Prof. V. Soundararajan (University of Bath, UK).


[March 2023] Received best paper award at the 63rd annual conference of Indian society of labour economics(ISLE) held at Rajiv Gandhi Central University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India.


[March 2018] Selected for 8-week internship at the Asian Development Bank, Manila with full airfare support and daily stipend of 69 USD.